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Drying and dehydration: The washed fresh vegetables are placed in a microwave oven, heated, dried and dehydrated in a low-power range, sealed in a plastic bag after being baked, and the quality and flavor of the fresh vegetables can be restored by soaking in fresh water when eating.
Freshness and preservation: A glass of fresh milk can be stored in the microwave oven for only 30 seconds to increase the shelf life by more than 1 time.
In addition to moisture drying: The damp dry goods are spread on a plate, placed in a microwave oven, heated for a few minutes in a strong power file, and properly turned twice in the middle to dry the damp dry goods.
Anti-mite and anti-mildew: Valuable medicinal materials are often scrapped due to mildew. If they are treated in a microwave oven until warm, they can be stored in plastic bags for a long time after cooling. Peanuts, green beans, fungus and other foods can also be preserved by this method.
Sterilization: The majority of bacteria can be killed by placing the food in a microwave oven for 2 to 3 minutes with a strong power file. Porcelain glassware can also be disinfected with this method.
Make incense paper: Lightly soak napkins with water, spray lemon juice, roll paper into microwave oven, heat for 30 seconds at high temperature, and use after cooling.
Microwave disinfection
It is a well-known fact to use microwaves to heat food. However, people may not understand the other functions of microwave ovens. Now, we will introduce other uses of microwave ovens: