The United States for the first time developed a water-lithium battery that does not catch fire and explode

According to foreign media reports, the researchers at the University of Maryland and the US Army Research Laboratory developed the first use of water and salt solution as the electrolyte, and the voltage reached home appliances such as notebook computers using the standard 4.0-volt lithium-ion battery, while no current Some commercial non-aqueous lithium batteries present a risk of fire and explosion.

It is reported that this study is based on a study published in the United States "Science" magazine in 2015. That study developed a similar 3.0-volt water-electrolyte battery, but failed to achieve higher voltages due to the so-called "negative challenge." Negative challenge refers to the battery is made of graphite or lithium metal electrode will be broken down by the water and electrolyte. In order to solve this problem and to achieve a voltage jump from 3 volts to 4 volts, Yang Chongyin, an associate research fellow at the University of Maryland, and first author of the research paper designed a gel polymer electrolyte coating that can be coated on a graphite or lithium positive electrode .

The new gel-coated battery improves safety compared to standard non-aqueous lithium batteries and increases energy density compared to other lithium-water batteries. The battery is unique in that it reacts very slowly with the positive electrode of lithium or lithiated graphite even if the interfacial layer is damaged (such as when the outer layer of the cell is damaged), preventing the metal from directly igniting the electrolyte causing a fire or explosion .

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