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Lighting design affects three important factors in the price of LED lighting products:
1. LED application power supply is the weakest link of LED lighting, which restricts the development of LED lighting. Now the design accounts for about 20 of the cost of LED lighting, some high, with the development of technology is probably the most reasonable 5-10. The LED light source is compared with other light sources. In fact, the current cost is not high, especially LED environmental protection, energy saving, mercury-free, and the price of LED lighting is falling every quarter, LED lighting in a short period of time The price must be at a level that people can accept.
2, domestic enterprises without core technology Most of the core patents in the upstream of the LED industry are in the hands of foreigners, we do not have the core technology in our country, although our LED application product manufacturing capacity in the world accounted for 50, the share of 50, but The lowest link in the profit segment. The cost of LED lighting is mainly in the LED chip. As long as the price of the chip is lowered, the lumen price of the LED can be reduced to the equivalent of the current energy-saving lamp. Because the LED chip adopts the lighting engineering and the larger size wafer manufacturing process with the increase of the process and quantity, it will continuously reduce the cost. In recent years, the speed of 20 is reduced every year, and the price factor of the LED chip is included in the price. Lowering the price, buying a better product at the same price, so LED chips still have much room for price cuts.
3, LED application products, heat dissipation, heat dissipation cost should be maintained at 5, the actual heat dissipation design is very simple, grasp the two directions: First, the shorter the LED chip and the external heat sink parts, the better, the shorter your heat dissipation design is better Second, the heat dissipation resistance is to have enough heat to pass through the path and also have enough heat dissipation road. This part of the cost is mainly in the structure, the structure design accounts for about 20 in the luminaire, and the cost for heat dissipation is not much. The biggest problem now is how to make more innovative and reasonable structural design.
"Three factors" affecting the price of LED lighting