New technology can be 30 degrees waste heat into electricity

It is estimated that 20-50% of the global energy consumed will dissipate. We have been able to use calorific-capture technology to convert this energy into usable energy before it occurs, but this can usually only be done at high temperatures.

A startup based at the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland, has proposed a new method to capture the residual heat of 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit) and convert it to electricity. This new technology can detect heat from waste incinerators, refineries and even data processors and make it into clean energy for use in buildings. explained that the technology is based on permeability and is a "natural phenomenon that occurs when a membrane is used to separate two solutions of different concentrations, such as seawater and fresh water. High solution, the concentrated solution on both sides of the membrane will tend to be balanced The mechanical energy produced by the liquid stream is converted to electrical energy by the fan and alternator The heat will again separate the two solutions, one of them will be more than the other Therefore, this is a closed-loop, does not consume moisture (see photo).

The startup's "OsmoBlue" technology is suitable for all heat sources such as air, water, gas or steam. The system is connected to the heat source on one side and to the grid on the other. The company plans to use a modular system in the building, which is located near the cooling system.

So far, the technology has only been tested in analogue demonstration systems, but the R & D team estimates that a 10 MW system will generate 100-600 KW of power, which is roughly equivalent to the electricity demand of 100 homes.

The R & D team is developing prototypes at the EPFL and plans to pilot a waste incinerator in 2014.

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