In order to make the catalytic converter more effective, multipoint electro-jet, electronically controlled ignition and electronically controlled air-fuel ratio, long-life spark plugs, and oxygen sensor heating have begun to be used. In order to avoid the new type of catalyst poisoning, in 1992 it was required to control the phosphor content of the lubricating oil. SH/GF-1 oil appeared. The engine performance was not much different from that of the SG. It was only because the CMA was required to regulate the market to propose a slightly stricter engine. Data scoring specification method. However, the SH oil requires that the phosphorus content in the refined oil be no more than 0.12% to prevent catalyst poisoning in car catalytic converters. IASACGF-1 is proposed by the American Automobile Industry Association and the Japan Automobile Industry Association, and an API is added based on the SH oil. Energy saving, still using the program to carry out energy-saving tests, but the indicators become stricter, in order to further save energy. As the experimental standards were not issued in time, the compromise was to maintain the SJ's phosphorus content of no more than 0.1%. Energy conservation requires the use of more scientific procedures and increases the requirements for conservation of energy. The development of the SL uses many new bench tests. However, since the bench test engine has a history of 10 years and parts cannot be supplied, new benches have to be developed, but the original engine performance and demanding levels are still basically maintained. In order to improve the oxidation performance, the óF that tests the oxidation performance is more severe than óE. In order to meet the new emission standards in 2004, the emission requirements were further reduced to CO of not more than 1.06 g/km, NOX of less than 0.125 g/km, and HC of not more than 0.078 g/km, resulting in the introduction of SM/GF-4. The automotive industry will use more precious metals catalysts and more emission control technologies. The API has recently introduced the GF-4 specification, which is generally the same as GF-3. The dispersive requirements in the engine performance have not changed, the oxidation performance is improved, and the repeatability of the bench test is changed to more severe and reproducible. However, the lubricating oil performance stipulates that the phosphorus content is not more than 0.05% and the sulfur content is not more than 0.5%. This is the result of the direct link between the lubricating oil specifications and the environmental protection requirements.
Welded Plate Heat Exchanger belongs to Recuperative Heat Exchanger, and is fully welded between every two plates to form channels through which the fluids with different temperature can flow and exchange heat. The high temperature fluid transfers heat to the low temperature fluid through the plates, thereby realize heat exchanging. The flow velocity of each fluid can be controlled by plates distance, so as to meet the working condition perfectly. In addition, there is also the semi-welded type plate heat exchange.
Welded Plate Heat Exchanger is mainly for vapor condensing and liquid to liquid heat exchanging, to meet with various requirements from industries like power sector, petrochemical, petroleum coking, pharmacy, metallurgy, refrigeration, paper processing etc. Optimal arrangement of various channels also make sure of high heat transfer efficiency and minimal pressure loss. Besides, its frame is detachable, and therefore it is convenient to have either mechanical cleaning or chemical cleaning as per actual situations.
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The automotive industry will use more precious metals as catalysts and more emission control technologies