Regardless of whether you are driving carefully or not, in Guangzhou, where the traffic conditions are so complicated, you may face the problem of vehicle scratching every day. Just like someone jokingly said, “Even if you don’t hit people, it’s hard to avoid being hit by others†. As a car owner, besides the need for good driving habits and superb driving skills, it is also necessary to understand the handling of some vehicle scraping accidents. ◠Shut down and check the status If your car accidentally scrapes with other cars, you should immediately choose a suitable place to stop. Tighten the hand brake, cut off the power, turn off the car's engine. There must also be wide and tail lights at night. On the highway, a hazard warning sign must be placed behind the vehicle. ◠Confirm the safety status of both sides Pay attention to check the safety conditions of the personnel on both sides. If there are casualties, injuries, or personal safety, you should immediately call the police. For the eight situations that do not belong to the new "Road Traffic Accident Procedure Procedural Rules", which must be reported to the police, the parties may choose to reach an agreement on their own and handle it expeditiously. ◠Record vehicle damage Pay careful attention to checking the condition of the vehicle. It is best to carry a device that has camera functions, such as a digital camera, a mobile phone, etc., and record the scratch area and vehicle condition in time. When photographing, it is necessary to reflect the framing of both parties at the same time on the scene, and to photograph the front side, the rear side, and the rubbing part of the vehicle from various angles. ◠Record basic information Pay attention to both vehicle information and owner information. It is necessary to record information such as the license plate number, driver's license, driving license, and health insurance card. ◠Clear responsibility When the traffic police conducts the responsibility determination, special attention should be paid to the responsibilities of both parties. Common situations include: not maintaining a safe distance, rear-end vehicles, rear vehicles bear responsibility; motor vehicles change lanes, affecting the normal driving of vehicles, change lanes bear responsibility; traffic lights control intersections, normal release of the vehicle turns In the event that a straight ahead vehicle is not allowed to turn, the turning vehicle will take responsibility; if there is no traffic light crossing, the right road will not be allowed to enter the car first, and the party will not be held liable. ◠Loss of vehicles will be adjusted claims First go to the Insurance Claims Service Center to fix the vehicle. In the following car repair procedures, you must keep a good car invoice. Machinery Engines,Gasoline Engine Machinery,Gasoline Engine Machinery 4 Stroke Engine,6 Cylinder Engine Jiangsu Minnuo Group Co.,Ltd ,
Dealing with Vehicle Scratching Accident Experts Suggest "Attention" Six Points