Bridgestone, one of the world’s largest tire manufacturers, recently developed a new third-generation explosion-proof tire, which is lighter than most of the explosion-proof tires on the market today, and is closer to ordinary tires, and is more comfortable. At present, a new generation of explosion-proof tires will be deployed on the 2009 new models. Bridgestone’s older generation of explosion-proof tires were side-reinforced with reinforced rubber on the side of the tires, but due to the thick and hard side of the tires, when the mass production began in 1987 (the first generation), ride comfort was lower than that of ordinary tires. After 2005, by improving the side-enhanced rubber, improved ride comfort and upgrade to the second generation. The explosion-proof tires went to the third generation. The third generation adopted a new technology that could further improve ride comfort. On the second generation basis, it lowered the tire's vertical spring constant to make it more similar to a normal tire. Considering the vertical spring constant of ordinary tires as 100, the values ​​from the first generation to the third generation are 120, 115, and 105 (comparison of 245/40R18), and the numerical values ​​are continuously decreasing. The adoption of thermal control technology eventually led to the birth of the third generation of explosion-proof tires. The most effective way to increase the ride comfort of side-reinforced explosion-proof tires is to make the side of the tire thinner and softer, but when running in a punctured state, the buckling movement of the side of the tire will increase, resulting in increased heat generation. In order to solve the above problems, the company has developed three new technologies, namely, a side-reinforcing rubber that can suppress heat generation, a skeleton layer that can suppress deformation using heat, and a projection that can cool the side of the tire. Since each of these technologies alone can improve ride comfort, the company intends to select the desired technology based on the size of the tires and the weight of the vehicle to be equipped, combined with the practical application of each technology. Side-reinforced rubber improves the dispersibility of carbon fibers. Friction between the carbon fibers is reduced when the tire is loaded, so that heat generation can be suppressed. When driving under a decompressed condition, the heat generated by the buckling movement on the side of the tire is about half that of the second-generation side reinforcing rubber. In the case of the skeleton layer, when the tire is leaking, it will shrink due to heat generated by the side buckling motion of the tire, thereby suppressing the lateral deformation of the tire. The side of the tire is provided with a protrusion extending in the direction of the wheel diameter so that the air can flow to form a turbulent flow and the tire can be cooled. Grain Hatch,High-Quality Hatch,High Quality Ready To Ship,Aluminium Flush Hatch TAIXING HAITAI GLOBAL TRADE CO.,LTD ,
Bridgestone launches third-generation explosion-proof tire