Bridgestone Q3 Earnings Increases 25% YoY

On the afternoon of November 8th, Beijing time, Bridgestone, the top tire manufacturer in Japan, stated on Tuesday that in the third fiscal quarter ending in September this year, the company’s net profit increased by 25% over the same period of last year. %. This is mainly due to strong overseas sales and higher product prices due to rising raw material costs. These favorable factors offset the negative effect of the appreciation of the yen on the performance of the company.

Tokyo-based Bridgestone, which is headquartered in Tokyo, said in an external financial statement that in the fiscal year from July to September this year, the company’s net profit rose to 27.8 billion from 22.2 billion yen in the same period last year. JPY. Sales increased by 9.9% from the 705.2 billion in the same period last year to 775.3 billion yen.

For the fiscal year ended December 31 this year, Bridgestone said that it maintains its previous forecast of earnings unchanged, that is, it expects net profit to be 115 billion yen, operating profit of 194 billion yen, and sales 3.13 trillion yen.

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