Strategic focus: building automotive industry clusters

The strategic core of Shaanxi's development of the automotive industry lies in the integration and accumulation of industries under the leadership of leading companies, the extension of industrial chains, the expansion of industrial scale, the establishment of new energy automotive technologies, and the promotion of related technologies and industrial development to improve new energy vehicles. Industrial Distribution.

The horn of the pillar industry that has turned the automotive industry into Shaanxi has already sounded. Next, where is the focus of Shaanxi's development of the automobile and what is the core of the strategy? This is the problem that Shaanxi is now facing.

According to the reporter's knowledge, relevant departments in Shaanxi are currently studying and formulating relevant policies and measures. In view of many scholars, while focusing on developing their own advantages, Shaanxi Province “should focus on energy-saving and new energy vehicle fields.”

Millions of automotive engineering

The automotive industry is a pivotal industry in Shaanxi Province. It is second only to petrochemicals and coalification in terms of economic output, ranking first in the equipment manufacturing industry. According to the reporter from the Shaanxi Automobile Industry Association, there are more than 80 existing automobile manufacturers, among which there are 4 vehicle manufacturers, 16 special-purpose vehicle manufacturers, and nearly 60 spare parts. The automotive products mainly include: heavy-duty vehicles, medium-sized automobiles, Buses, mini cars, cars, special cars, and auto parts.

The data shows that in 2012, the output value of Shaanxi's automobile industry has exceeded 100 billion yuan, accounting for 4.4% of the province's industry and GDP 2.1%.

“The automotive industry has initially formed an industrial chain with a relatively complete R&D, manufacturing, spare parts and maintenance services for passenger cars represented by BYD and heavy commercial vehicles represented by Shaanxi Auto. The Hande Axle and Fast Transmission are in the country. Nearly in a monopolistic position, Xi'an High-tech Zone, Xi'an Economic Development Zone, Caijiapo Economic Development Zone, and Yulin Automotive Industry Park have been initially formed, and have become the industrial parks where the automobile industry has been carrying together, said Wu Gang, Research Institute of Economics, Shaanxi Academy of Social Sciences.

According to the reporter, Shaanxi Province's "12th Five-Year Plan" automobile industry development plan is based on Shaanxi Automobile Group, BYD Auto Company, and Fast Group as the leader, implementing "one million automobile projects."

Specifically, we will enlarge and strengthen heavy trucks and sedans, develop medium and light trucks, special-purpose vehicles, special vehicles, mini-vehicles, and buses, and expand the production scale of key assemblies and components such as engines, automobile transmissions, and automotive electronic products, and increase the number of provinces. Supporting capabilities will form a series of development of automotive products and promote the rapid development of the automotive service industry.

At the same time, we will strengthen product development and technology integration, accelerate the upgrading of entire vehicles and key components, build a national-level automotive R&D center, and build an important automobile and parts industrial base in the country.

According to the plan, by 2015, the total industrial output value will reach 200 billion yuan, an average annual increase of 25%, and the added value will be 50 billion yuan, an average annual increase of 20%.

“Shaanxi and BYD have made gratifying progress in R&D, promotion and application of new energy vehicles, CNG, and LNG vehicles,” said Qiang Qiang, vice president of the Shaanxi Automotive Industry Association and dean of the Chang’an University Automotive College.

At the same time, in the aspect of methanol car development, Shaanxi has already taken the lead in the country, and the country has listed Shaanxi Province as a pilot province of methanol vehicles. The Shaanxi Provincial Government and related departments have already deployed this work and are currently in Xi’an and Hanzhong. Baoji, Xianyang, Yulin and other places were piloted.

Extend the industry chain

At the forum, Shaanxi provincial governor Min Qinqi pointed out that the automobile industry has the characteristics of long industrial chain and large-scale driving, and has become one of the pillar industries that promote economic development. “The province’s automobile industry has a good foundation, and it is in the field of heavy trucks and cars. With a certain degree of competitive advantage, there is great potential for follow-up development."

He said that at present, with the further enhancement of the comprehensive economic strength of Shaanxi Province, it has reached a period of basic, capable, and conditional support for the rapid development of the automotive industry, but we cannot rely on the old roads that rely on capacity expansion and investment to develop. We must take the path of innovation and development. "On the one hand, we must strengthen the research and development of new technologies and new products to form leading technological advantages; on the other hand, we must accelerate the pace of development in emerging markets."

Qian Qinqian emphasized that modern information and transportation are more developed. Under such conditions, the eyes do not see the country and the world. Even the best companies will not last long. We must consider issues from the perspective of competitiveness and market.

The automobile industry chain includes specialized vehicles, parts and components, and raw material production companies and related service organizations. The chain is long and the industry is highly connected. To form a cluster competitiveness and to develop and upgrade industrial clusters, there must be related industries. The support requires industry links to form a reasonable division of labor and cooperation and competitive cooperation. Wang Tieshan, associate professor of the School of Economics and Management at Xi’an University of Technology, said.

Judging from the current situation in Shaanxi, the upstream industries of the automotive industry such as metallurgy, rubber, electronics, glass, textile, etc., downstream industries such as insurance, finance, trade, maintenance, information services, transportation, etc. None of them can play a strong supporting role. The lag in the development of these related auxiliary industries will restrict the further development of the automobile industry. “However, this link will not be fully automated. It will also require the government to use cluster policies to promote linkages and the government will play a leading role in building a platform for the automobile industry,” Wang Tieshan said.

"Actually, for the automotive industry in Shaanxi, the lack of product is also a prominent problem at present." Yu Qiang said, "At present, Shaanxi's automobile industry is mainly dominated by heavy trucks and cars. The scale is still very small, and the car is mainly faced with mid-to-low-end market, lacking high-end products."

"We should increase the depth of cooperation between production, education and research." Wu Gang said that through in-depth cooperation, the development of special, special-purpose and new energy vehicles and other products.

"But in general, Shaanxi's automobile industry is currently developing with strong momentum and broad prospects. Regardless of its output value or profits, it has occupied an important position in the development of the national economy," said Qiang.

For Shaanxi, focusing on leading enterprises and leading products, vigorously strengthening the improvement and extension of the industrial chain, improving the supporting capacity and level of the automotive industry in the province, enriching the product system, and improving the industrial chain are a focus of the Shaanxi automobile industry. While promoting the development of the automotive industry in Shaanxi, it also injected vitality into the sustainable development of Shaanxi's economy.” Yu Qiang believes.

Build an industrial cluster

In Wang Tieshan's view, Shaanxi should encourage the establishment of strategic alliances by forming industrial clusters and encourage qualified automobile companies to strengthen cooperation and development, and solve the bottleneck technology of finished vehicles and parts and components.

“Most of Shaanxi's enterprises are labor-intensive and raw-material intensive enterprises, and lack independent R&D capabilities and lack of core technologies.” Wang Tieshan said that except for a few relatively large enterprises such as Shaanxi Automobile Group, BYD Auto, and Fast Gear, Other small and medium-sized automobile companies basically do not have R&D capabilities.

The research advantages of Shaanxi automobile industry are mainly concentrated in universities and research institutes. Enterprises do not cooperate closely with scientific research institutes and do not form a good cooperation mechanism. Scientific research institutes have not become an important source of technological knowledge spillovers for automobile companies. At the same time, Wang Tieshan believes that “the degree of marketization of technological research achievements in scientific research institutes is not high, and the level of horizontal interaction between them has yet to be strengthened, especially for key enterprises with certain demonstrations.”

“The strategic breakthrough in Shaanxi's development of the automobile industry should be to give full play to its regional policies, industrial foundation, technology, and talents. With the lead of leading companies, the industry should be consolidated and gathered to extend the industrial chain and expand industry scale. Improving the supporting capabilities of local industries to form a relatively complete production system for heavy-duty trucks, cars, and parts and components, etc. The development of Shaanxi automobile industry clusters should be based on the technological advantages of new energy vehicles, focusing on the production, research and development of key components for new energy vehicles, and efforts to promote New energy vehicle related technologies and industrial development, improve the layout of new energy automotive industry.

"In addition, Shaanxi welcomes the introduction of large international companies and large groups to create a global technology platform and enhance the international competitiveness of the automotive industry," said Wu Gang.

"The government wants to create a favorable policy environment for the automotive industry, to reduce tax and fee, land support, and credit preferential policies, to attract well-known auto companies at home and abroad to enter the auto industrial parks around the country, and to attract private capital to enter the automotive-related auxiliary industries. Shaanxi Automobile Industry Cluster.” Wang Tieshan said that it is necessary to gradually form a cooperative network structure that is dominated by large-scale enterprises and form a coexistence of large, medium and small symbiosis. “Large companies do a good job of product research and development, brand building, auto finance and after-sales service, and small and medium-sized enterprises specialize in spare parts production and do fine work, and develop multi-polar matching markets for enterprises within the cluster and enterprises outside the cluster.”

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