Minerals are natural or natural compounds with fixed chemical and physical and chemical properties produced by natural physicochemical and biochemical actions in the earth's crust. Minerals are part of rock and ore. In addition to a few natural gold (Au), natural silver (Ag), natural copper (Cu), natural sulfur (S), graphite (C), diamond (C) and other natural elements, most of them are natural compounds. The form of minerals is mostly solid, and a few are liquids (such as natural mercury ). There are currently more than 3,500 minerals known, but there are only 200 minerals available under the prior art conditions. The more common gold and silver minerals are not repeated as described above. Lubricating Oil,Motor Vehicle Oil,Motor Oil,Motorcycles Oil PUYANG XINYE SPECIAL LUBRICATING OIL AND GREASE CO.,LTD , https://www.xinyelubricant.com
The material that makes up the earth's outer shell (the lithosphere) is called rock. Rocks are mineral aggregates composed of one or more minerals under various geological conditions.
Ore is a rock from which metals or compounds can be extracted industrially under the existing technical conditions. It is also said that ore is a collection of useful minerals. It should be noted that the definition of ore is relative and development. It depends not only on modern technological conditions, but also on the resources of a country and the needs of the national economy. For example, the old tailings of a gold mine, with a gold grade of 2 to 3 g/t, can now be effectively treated as ore.
Minerals that can be used by humans are called useful minerals, and useful minerals or products derived from it are used in every sector of the national economy. For example, all sectors of the national economy are inseparable from various metals, and these metals are all proposed from useful minerals. Therefore, useful minerals are of great significance in the national economy.
The part of the ore that has no use value or cannot be used is called gangue. For example, gold minerals are mostly symbiotic with quartz , and quartz is called gangue.
The ore body is the ore in the rock mass, and it gathers under the geological action to a mass with a certain scale, occurrence and shape, and occupying a certain space. The rock around the ore body is called a surrounding rock. The upper surrounding rock of the ore body is called the surrounding rock or the top plate, and the surrounding rock in the lower part of the ore body is called the surrounding rock or the lower plate. The rock caught in the ore body is called a stone.
Located in a certain geological structure, or in the area delineated by geomorphological features, the ore body or group of ore bodies formed is called a deposit. Conversely, it is a non-industrial deposit.
The surrounding rock and stone of the ore body are called waste rock. The essentials of waste rock and ore are relative, that is, the unproductive rock that is produced along with the mining process is called waste rock.
The difference between minerals, rocks, ores, ore bodies and deposits