Li Guangtao and others conducted a mineral processing test study on a tin-iron mine in Yunnan. The lower part of the deposit is tin ore and the upper part is tin-containing magnetite. The tin-containing magnetite has a relatively high grade of iron, and the tin grade is relatively low. In addition to the presence of magnetite, iron has a small amount of hematite and limonite. The minerals with recoverable value in the ore are mainly magnetite and cassiterite. According to the difference between the two properties, the iron ore concentrate is obtained by weak magnetic separation, and then the magnetic separation tailings are re-elected to obtain qualified tin concentrate. . When Guan Zhe et al. conducted a sorting test on a tin-iron ore mine, the process of re-election after magnetic separation was adopted, and the ideal effect was obtained. The main minerals recovered in the ore are iron minerals and tin minerals, iron minerals are mainly magnetite and shale magnetite, and tin minerals are mainly cassiterite. First, the magnetic iron mineral is selected by weak magnetic separation, and then the magnetic coarse concentrate is re-grinded and then selected. The two-stage magnetic separation tailings are merged into re-election, and the magnetic or heavy process is selected. When the original ore grade is 31.10 When the tin grade is 0.60%, the grade of iron concentrate is 63.45% and the recovery rate is 74.66% after two-stage grinding and two-stage magnetic separation. The ore feeding is magnetic separation tailings, and the second section is shaken. The selection was made with an index of 48.35% of the tin concentrate grade and a recovery rate of 57.84%. Niu Fusheng conducted a study on the optimization of the beneficiation process of a concentrator in a tin-iron mine in Inner Mongolia. The mine is a low-slung tin ore with the main recoverable elements being iron and tin. The original production process grinding product has too coarse particle size, insufficient dissociation of mineral monomers, and simultaneous recovery of tin and iron during sorting, resulting in low quality of iron and tin products. After the transformation of the ore dressing process, the weak magnetic separation and strong magnetic separation of iron were carried out, and the process of re-election and recovery of the magnetic separation tailings was finally carried out, and the recovery of iron and tin was finally realized. Inner Mongolia Keshiketengqi Huanggang Mining Co., Ltd. cooperated with Beijing Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy to carry out research on iron-tin separation technology. The study is based on the high grade of iron in the Huanggang iron tin mine, and the iron mineral is mainly the process mineralogy of magnetite. The “magnetic separation – flotation – re-election†process was developed to flotation of the magnetic separation tailings. Zinc and arsenic concentrates are simultaneously removed to remove impurities that have a great influence on the recovery of tin. Finally, re-election is used to obtain tin concentrates, and the valuable elements iron, tin, tungsten, zinc and arsenic in the ore are comprehensively recovered, thereby improving the comprehensiveness of resources. Recycling levels and the development and utilization of unresolved ore mines over the years. Iron-iron ore is widely distributed in China. The cassiterite particles in this ore are fine, and the proportion of ionic ions in the mineral crystal lattice of magnetite is high, and the separation of iron-tin is difficult. Increase the magnetic separation operation when sorting iron ore. The re-election process of the magnetic separation tailings is followed to obtain qualified products, which is the more commonly used technology. With the changes in the iron and tin resources situation in China, it is of great theoretical significance and practical application value to strengthen the research on mineral processing technology of such resources.
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Beneficiation process of iron tin ore
An iron-tin ore skarn tin ore, iron, tin containing magnetite, limonite, hematite and other iron minerals, which is selected from iron minerals have a greater impact on the sub-cassiterite, so The cassiterite cannot be effectively separated from the iron mineral. Therefore, the iron should be removed before the sorting, and then the iron tailings should be shaken and re-selected to obtain tin concentrate.