Effect of Light Intensity on Dry Fresh Weight of Dandelion From the test results, it can be seen that the light intensity has a greater influence on the aboveground fresh weight in the early stage of dandelion growth, 45% of the treatment is significantly higher than the control and 15% of the treatment, 15% of the treatment performance is the worst, the upper part of the dandelion fresh weight Very significantly lower than other treatments. With the growth of dandelion plants, 75% of the treated control grew faster, and the above-ground fresh weight had no significant difference from the 45% treatment, both of which were significantly higher than 15%. The rapid growth period of dandelion is after the middle period, 45% of the treatment still maintains a high growth rate, while 15% of the above-ground growth rate is accelerated, while the growth rate of the control treatment slows down, and to the late stage of the product maturity, 75% of the treatment has been extremely significant. Less than the other two treatments. Tests have shown that proper reduction in light intensity can increase the yield of dandelion in protected areas. The low-permeability shed film can be used in the production of dandelion in protected areas, which will not only reduce the economic output of dandelion, but also be beneficial to the improvement of yield. Among them, we can use the light adjustable features of the light incubator to cultivate dandelion. The dry weight of the upper part of the dandelion reflects the effect on dry matter accumulation during dandelion growth. From the relevant data, in the early stage of dandelion growth, 45% of the treatments were equivalent to 75% of the treatments. The difference was not significant, but they were all significantly higher than the low light of 15% treatment. In the middle of the 30th day after emergence, the effects of different light conditions on dandelion were similar to those of the previous period, but the gap between 15% treatment and 45% treatment and control was increased. After entering the middle growth period, 45% of the treatment increased the accumulation of dry matter on the ground, while 75% of the treated control showed slower growth, and the gap between the two increased gradually. By the end of the 45% treatment, the dry weight of the above-ground parts was significantly higher than that of the latter. The other two processes. After 15% treatment, the accumulation of dry matter increased rapidly, showing an increase in dry weight above the ground and no significant difference from the control at the time of harvest. Hand-held weather stations can be used to determine the intensity of light and facilitate the recording and comparison of dandelion production environments. From the effect of different light intensity treatments on the growth of dandelion, appropriate low light can promote the growth of dandelion, especially for the commercial production of dandelion, that is, the positive effect on the aboveground fresh weight is more significant. Therefore, production can be considered in the appropriate period to create a suitable low-light environment to promote plant growth. For example, with the aid of scientific instruments such as light boxes. By analyzing the aboveground dry weight and moisture content, it can be seen that the accumulation of dry matter above the dandelion is basically the same as the aboveground fresh weight change, but in the middle and later stages, lower light can promote the absorption of water by the plants. Rectangle Trampoline,Top Rated Trampolines,Gymnastics Rectangle Trampoline,17Ft Gymnastics Rectangle Trampoline Jiangsu Baoxiang Sports Equipment Co., Ltd , https://www.skyboundus.com
The Influence of Light Intensity on Dry Fresh Weight of Dandelion