The young migrant worker Xiao Hu was eager to board the ferry and went home. He had lied to the security guards patrolling the ferry station that he had carried a bomb with him in hopes of boarding the ship. Do not want to, this move caused local passengers and surrounding people panic, so that the ferry stopped. Recently, the Hongkou District Court heard the case in public and made a first-instance judgment in accordance with the law. It was found that Xiao Hu made up the crime of fabricating false terrorist information and was sentenced to criminal detention for four months. On a certain day of the autumn of the beginning of the year, Xiao Hu swiped into the waiting area a few minutes before sailing. Due to worry about not catching up with the ferry, Xiao Hu rides a battery car towards the ferry bridge. At this time, the ferry station security Lao Li and Lao Wang asked Xiaohu to stop for security. After Xiao Hu was stopped, his emotions were very anxious. When Pharaoh took the metal detector and checked the tool bag that Xiao Hu put on the pedal of the battery car, Xiaohu suddenly had a "good idea" to escape and he shouted, "There is a bomb!" Pharaoh subconsciously retracted his hand. Lao Li was also humiliated by Xiaohu's stunned man. Xiaohu saw his own solution and he immediately broke away from Lao Li’s control and wanted to leave. Soon, Pharaoh and Lao Li, who had been reincarnated, immediately blocked Xiao Hu’s journey. Pharaoh took control of Xiao Hu’s head. Lao Li asked Xiao Hu again and asked him to explain what he had just said. In this regard, Xiao Hu was very impatient. He shouted to Lao Li loudly: "There are bombs! There are bombs!" When the old Wang saw this, he immediately covered the explosion-proof blanket on Xiao Hu's battery car and the tool bag. Together with Lao Li, he once again firmly controlled Hu Mou’s hands and separated them from each other. When he heard of a bomb, the passengers at the scene panicked and began to flee. After the police and professional explosive personnel carried out the detonation of Xiao Hu’s battery car and the tool kit on the car, excluding the suspected explosives on the car. However, this led to panic among passengers at the ferry station, crowds gathered outside the station, and ferry stops for an hour. Recently, the Hongkou Court heard the case in public and made a first-instance judgment in accordance with the law: The defendant Xiao Hu fabricated explosive threat terrorist information and seriously disrupted social order. His behavior has constituted the crime of fabricating false terrorist information. The defendant Xiao Hu was able to wait for the police to deal with the case while knowing that others had reported the case. After he reached the case, he could truthfully confess the facts of the crime and surrendered himself voluntarily. The defendant was eventually sentenced to the detention of Xiao Hu for four months.
A heat exchanger is a device used to transfer heat, usually to transfer heat from one fluid to another without them mixing. A heat exchanger usually consists of a number of parallel pipes in which one fluid flows through the pipe and another fluid flows through the outside of the pipe. In this way, heat can be transferred from one fluid to another for heating or cooling purposes. Heat exchangers are widely used in many industries, such as chemical, pharmaceutical, food processing, air conditioning and heating systems, etc.
Heat exchanger usually consists of the following components:
The main business scope is various heaters, waste heat boilers, pressure vessels, supportingair preheaters, air coolers, furnace accessories and accessories, and provide equipment installation, with EPC ability of projects. At present, our customers have covered all large and medium-sized petrochemical enterprises in China and established long-term strategic cooperative partnership with them. Products are exported to Southeast Asia, Middle East, and other regions.
Heat Exchanger,Tubular Heat Exchanger,Efficiency Tubular Heat Exchanger,Tube In Tube Heat Exchanger Jiangsu Gelan Environmental Technology Co., LTD ,
1. Heat exchange pipe: Pipe used to transfer heat, usually made of metal materials, such as copper, stainless steel, etc.
2. Heat exchange surface: A surface used to transfer heat, usually consisting of metal sheets or pipes. The greater the surface area, the higher the heat transfer efficiency.
3. Housing: Housing, usually made of metal or plastic, used to secure heat exchange pipes and surfaces.
4. Seals: Seals used to prevent media leakage, usually made of rubber or silicone rubber.
5. Support: A support used to support a heat exchanger, usually made of steel or cast iron.
6. Import and export pipes: pipes used for medium entry and exit, usually made of metal or plastic.
7. Cleaning hole: A hole used to clean the inside of the heat exchanger, usually located on the upper or side of the heat exchanger.
8. Insulation layer: Insulation layer used to keep the temperature of the heat exchanger stable, usually made of glass wool or polyurethane foam.
Eager to board the ferry and even lied to the young man who carried the bomb and caused chaos and was jailed