Marine N Type High Holding Power Pool Anchors

Model NO.: N Type High Holding Power Pool Anchors
Size: Various
Structure: Hall
Type: Commercial Vessels
Trademark: MATCHAU
Transport Package: Export Packing
Specification: CCS approved
Origin: Jiangsu, China
HS Code: 731600000
Product Description
Marine Offshore Mooring N Type High Holding Power Pool Anchors
Weight(kg) A B C D E F
12 323 275 250 65 383 155
20 386 325 300 75 458 185
25 409 350 316 80 485 200
40 479 410 370 95 567 235
50 517 440 400 100 613 255
60 550 470 425 110 652 270
80 608 515 470 120 720 295
100 653 555 505 130 775 320
120 699 595 540 135 825 340
135 723 614 562 139 858 342
160 764 650 590 150 905 370
180 795 675 615 155 940 385
225 858 729 666 165 1016 406
240 880 745 680 175 1040 425
280 925 780 715 180 1092 450
320 964 820 745 190 1140 470
360 1005 855 780 195 1190 490
400 1040 885 805 205 1230 505
440 1074 910 830 210 1270 520
480 1105 940 855 215 1305 535
520 1133 960 875 220 1340 550
560 1165 985 900 230 1375 565
600 1191 1010 920 235 1410 580
640 1217 1035 940 240 1440 585
675 1237 1051 960 245 1464 590
720 1262 1075 975 250 1495 615
800 1310 1115 1015 255 1550 633
855 1338 1137 1039 257 1585 635
900 1365 1160 1055 270 1615 660
970 1396 1186 1084 272 1654 665
1000 1410 1200 1090 275 1670 670
1080 1447 1229 1123 278 1713 684
1250 1521 1290 1175 296 1800 729
1305 1541 1309 1196 300 1824 740
1500 1615 1370 1250 315 1910 776
1575 1641 1394 1274 315 1943 785
1750 1705 1445 1320 335 2015 818
1845 1729 1469 1343 340 2049 830
2000 1780 1510 1375 350 2105 860
2140 1817 1544 1411 350 2152 865
2250 1850 1570 1430 360 2185 900
2500 1920 1630 1480 375 2265 925
2655 1954 1664 1516 375 2312 930
2835 1996 1700 1550 380 2364 945
3240 2086 1773 1620 398 2471 988
3445 2129 1809 1653 406 2522 1009
3670 2174 1847 1689 415 2576 1030
3940 2226 1892 1730 425 2640 1055
4210 2276 1934 1768 434 2698 1078
4500 2328 1978 1808 444 2758 1103
4840 2385 2026 1852 455 2825 1130
5175 2439 2072 1894 465 2889 1155
5515 2491 2116 1934 475 2950 1180
5850 2541 2159 1973 485 3009 1204
6225 2594 2204 2014 495 3072 1229
6525 2635 2239 2046 503 3121 1248
6975 2695 2290 2092 514 3191 1276
7425 2751 2337 2136 525 3258 1303
7875 2805 2384 2178 535 3323 1329
8325 2858 2428 2219 545 3385 1354
8775 2908 2471 2258 555 3445 1378
9225 2958 2512 2296 564 3502 1401
9675 3004 2553 2333 573 3558 1423
10125 3050 2592 2369 582 3613 1445

if you have any other requirements, please feel free to contact me, many thanks....

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