Scientific and Rational Fertilization to Control Nitrate Content in Vegetables

Vegetables are an indispensable important food in people's daily life. Studies have shown that about 70%-80% of the nitrates consumed by humans come from vegetables. Nitrate intake by the human body can be reduced to nitrite by the action of microorganisms. Nitrite forms a strong carcinogen, nitrosamines, in the stomach cavity, thereby inducing canceration of the digestive system.

To reduce the accumulation of nitrate in vegetables, fertilization technology is the key, including reasonable fertilizer varieties, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements in the proportion of appropriate fertilization period and methods, organic fertilizer and other aspects.

1. The application of organic manure combined with chemical fertilizers is an important measure to reduce the accumulation of nitrate in vegetables and increase the nutritional value of the product. The application of nitrogen fertilizer with manure and soil manure can make the ratio of inorganic nitrogen and organic nitrogen reach 1:1. Effectively control and reduce nitrate accumulation in vegetables.

2. Select the appropriate type, form and amount of nitrogen fertilizer Nitrogen fertilizer should be mainly applied with urea and ammonium chloride, or the ratio of nitrate nitrogen fertilizer and ammonium nitrogen fertilizer should be 3:7. In the short-season vegetables, 10 kg of pure nitrogen was used in the whole growth period, and 15 kg of pure nitrogen was used in the whole growing period of long-season vegetables.

3, the use of scientific fertilization method of the shorter growing period of vegetables, using basal fertilizer into a one-time. 70% of long-season vegetables, nitrogen fertilizer, organic fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers were used as base fertilizers, and 30% nitrogen fertilizer was used as topdressing, which was beneficial to restricting the accumulation of nitrate in vegetables in the later period.

4, with the use of nitrogen fertilizer inhibitors N-pyrimidine and dicyandiamide and other nitrogen inhibitors inhibit the activity of soil nitrifying bacteria, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing nitrate accumulation in soil and vegetables.

5. The content of nitrate in vegetables such as foliar spraying of trace elements and other chemicals decreased with the increase of Mo application. Nitrate content in leaves of vegetables spraying molybdenum fertilizer decreased by 41% to 76%. Exogenous application of molybdenum, manganese and other trace element fertilizers outside the roots can activate nitrate reductase in leaves of vegetables and reduce the nitrate content in the plants. In addition, spraying with oxalic acid and glycine on the day before harvest can significantly reduce the nitrate content in vegetables.

Single Head Chamfering Machine

  1. Designed both inside and outside of the tube and rod end, chamfering and face milling can be done once a uniform, rapid and accurate.
  2. This Pipe Chamfering Machine has semi-automatic Type: artificial feed, automatic cutter speed of advance and retreat quickly, to replace parts of different sizes just to make a simple adjustment.
  3. The metal pipe chamfering machine: cam synchronized feed, processing, high stability, can be done simultaneously on both sides, interior angle, exterior angle and the milling face at one time, can achieve a multiple increase in output.
  4. Gear chamfering machine can be appled to the material: stainless steel, iron, copper, aluminum tubing and bar.

Single End Chamfering Machine,Pneumatic Tube Chamfering Machine,Pipe Chamfering,Single Head Pipe Chamfering Head