Vibration Analysis of Vehicle Blockage Air Compression Instrument

The above is the characterization of the vibration of the pipeline. In order to better solve the vibration reduction problem, it is necessary to quantitatively analyze the cause of the vibration of the pipeline. The following is the quantitative analysis. Pipeline mechanical vibration system analysis due to the cyclical excitation force caused by pressure fluctuations, the pipeline mechanical system has its own natural frequency according to its own piping condition, support type, position and boundary conditions, when a certain order of these frequencies When several orders are matched with the excitation frequency, the vibration of the system is superimposed, and mechanical resonance occurs, which causes the pipeline to generate large displacement and stress. In addition, attention should be paid to the relationship between the natural frequency of the gas column system and the natural frequency of the mechanical system. If the two frequencies coincide with the excitation frequency, abnormally intense vibration will occur.

Gas Pressure Pulsation Analysis in Pipeline Gas parameters in the piston air compressor pipe, such as pressure, velocity, density, etc., vary not only with position, but also periodically with time.

The excitation frequency of the piston air compressor to the gas column in the pipeline is: f=nmk/60 where: nD air compressor speed, r/min; mD suction port (or exhaust port) number of cylinders; kD piston or compression The cylinder cylinder action coefficient, single action k=1, double action k=2; mk is actually the number of times the cylinder piston inhales or exhausts into the pipe in one stroke.

Buffer damping buffers are commonly used in gas systems to reduce pulsation, the main principle being the energy storage of the buffer volume. The intake damper limits the radiation pressure waves from the upstream of the cylinder into the conduit; the exhaust damper not only limits the returning reflected waves from entering the cylinder, but also limits the pressure waves from entering the exhaust conduit.

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