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Due to the limitation of the space, this article only gives the main program when z161, and the program with z>161 only needs to change several key parameters. Selection range of the split gear a. The gear z=Val (Text1(0).Text) in the machine gear magazine is input to the processed gear parameter m=Val.Text) IfText1(j).
Text=ThenBeepMsgBox Please enter the gear parameters, 48, prompt box (g) program flow chart w=zmodg) 10 get the tooth hanging wheel dg (h)Casew<>0Picture4.Print (2z) / g (h) get the tooth hanging Wheel gets the toothed hanging wheel bPicture6.Printf(l)
Obtaining the reference value of the differential hanging wheel to obtain the differential hanging wheel), for example, inputting z=35, m=2.5,=70, k=1, the divided tooth hanging wheel a=40, b=35, The differential hanging wheels a1=80, b1=60, c1=30, and d1=90 obtained by c=30 and d=50 satisfy the above conditions.
Conclusion VB6.0 is an object-oriented programming language. The program developed with it is user-friendly, easy to operate, and easy to maintain. The program has performed well after many experiments, and the most remarkable feature of the program is that it can give a variety of options, so that the best results can be selected according to the conditions of use. Not only ensured the processing quality, but also achieved good results in experimental teaching.
Use a micro-machine to ensure the operation of the gear