In the flotation plant, some of the medicaments need to be diluted with a high-quality fraction of the solution into a low-mass fraction of the solution, which is then added, such as sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and the like. When diluting, the amount of water to be added can be calculated as follows:
Where W
is the amount of water added after dilution of the solution, kg
; Q
1 -
the mass of the solution before dilution, kg
; Q
2 -
the mass of the diluted solution, kg
; R
1 - the
mass fraction of the solution before dilution; R
2 - the
mass fraction of the solution after dilution. [
Example ]
Sulfuric acid with a mass fraction of 86%
30kg , diluted to a mass fraction of 20%
sulfuric acid aqueous solution, how many kg of
water need to be added ?
Solution ]
Known R
l =86%
, Q
t =
30kg , R
2 =20%
, the amount of water required is:
Special attention should be paid to the fact that when dilute sulfuric acid with water, only sulfuric acid can be slowly poured into water; if water is poured into sulfuric acid, sulfuric acid will splash due to density difference and large amount of heat release, causing serious accidents. Twin Screw
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