I. Research on mineralogy of sample process (1) Multi-element chemical analysis of samples The results of multi-element chemical analysis of raw ore are listed in Table 1. From the results of Table 1, the main chemical components of the sample were SiO 2 , a small amount of Al 2 O 3 , K 2 O, Na 2 O, etc., and the main valuable element was cerium . Table 1 Results of multi-element analysis of ore chemistry (%) Mo Cu Pb Zn Au(g/t) Ag(g/t) S As Al 2 O 3 CaO 0.0097 0.0032 0.044 0.019 0.25 3.08 0.085 0.0049 4.27 0.845 MgO K 2 O Na 2 O P Mn TiO 2 SiO 2 Ni W Cd 0.24 3.17 3.82 0.11 0.11 0.32 71.88 0.005 0.032 0.002 Cr C Sb TFe Co F Be Fe 2 O 3 Li 2 O not detected 0.0045 0.24 0.025 2.35 0.004 0.33 0.17 3.36 0.0073 2.21 (2) Structural structure of the sample The ore deposits in the mining area are mainly composed of vein structure, pseudo-flow pattern structure, disseminated structure and block structure. (3) Main recovery mineral occurrence state and embedding characteristics Occurrence of ore is mainly useful in beryllium beryllium hydroxyalkyl silica stone, followed by a small amount of iron present in the magnetic limonite ore and to form adsorption, adsorption and then the very small amount is present in the form of kaolin, mica, illite, green Among the clay minerals such as mudstone, and a very small amount of the same phase in the same phase, it exists in the minerals of strontium and barium . Gangue minerals are quartz, sodium feldspar, potassium feldspar, sericite, chlorite, and a small amount of fluorite minerals limonite. The fluorite veins are vein-filled in granite porphyry and rhyolite tuff . This paper focuses on the flotation selectivity test of the antimony ore to determine the optimal pharmaceutical system and process parameters. Second, flotation process research (1) Choice of the plan The niobium mineral studied in this experiment is hydroxysilicon vermiculite, containing BeO of 0.36%, which is much larger than the industrial grade requirement. According to the analysis of process mineralogy, the hydroxyapatite in the ore mainly exists in several forms: one is in the form of self-shaped semi-automorphic crystals, mainly distributed in fluorite veins; the other is hydroxysilicon vermiculite Wrapped in fluorite veins, it is often in linear contact with fluorite particles. Therefore, the ore dressing process and the chemical system of the mine not only consider the hydroxyapatite, but also consider the combination scheme of the floating fluorite. For such ore, the conventional selection methods include alkali flotation, acid flotation and fluorite flotation. According to the results of the process mineralogical research and exploratory test of the sample, with reference to the research results of many mineral processing researchers, combined with the author's many years of research results in the beneficiation process, and at the same time, a variety of experimental comparisons of the above different programs, decided to mine The basic fluorite method was used for the flotation test. In the test, both the conventional method using oleic acid fluorite and the combination of oxidized paraffin soap and hydroxyapatite were used. (The index of concentrate OO is 8.5% (Be is 3.07%) and the recovery rate is 81.6%.) The difficulty in the selection of the ore is that the ore alteration is strong, and a large amount of fine mud generated during the grinding process may be flotation. The process has a large impact, and the slurry temperature and pulp pH value may have a greater impact on the flotation index. (2) Flotation condition test The conditional test method adopts the traditional factorial test method. The unit test changes one factor under the premise of fixing other factors, and draws the obtained test data into a plane curve, and finds the corresponding process parameters of the optimal value from the curve. Through consulting a large amount of literature, it is known that the common agent for the alkaline ore flotation method of strontium ore is tri-alkali and two soap-oil. After conducting a comparison test of various pharmaceutical schemes, the tester determined that the optimal dosage regimen is: the regulator is trisodium. The collector is oleic acid and the auxiliary collector is pH-1. The condition test mainly carried out the condition test of grinding fineness, auxiliary collector dosage, adjusting agent dosage, fine grinding regrind fineness, and the influence of slurry temperature and slime on the test. 1. Grinding fineness condition test The sufficient monomer dissociation of the target mineral is a prerequisite for the effective separation of the ore. For this purpose, the grinding fineness condition test is first carried out. The test principle process is shown in Figure 1, and the test results are shown in Figure 2. Dosage: g/t Same as below Grinding fineness /% - 0.074mm Figure 2 Results of rough selection of grinding fineness test It can be seen from the curve of Fig. 2 that with the increase of grinding fineness, the recovery rate is increasing and the grade is decreasing. Considering the recovery rate and the comprehensive factor of grade, it is appropriate to select -200 mesh 91%. 2, sodium hydroxide dosage test The test requires a higher pH value of the slurry, so sodium hydroxide is selected as the pH adjuster for the slurry. Grinding fineness - 91 mesh 91%, sodium hydroxide as a variable, the other dosages shown in Figure 1. The test results are shown in Figure 3. Sodium hydroxide dosage / (gt -1 ) Figure 3 results of sodium hydroxide dosage conditions test The test results show that the effect of the pulp pH value on the selection index is very obvious, especially the impact on the concentrate grade. On the basis of ensuring that the pH of the slurry is greater than 13, the appropriate amount of sodium hydroxide is 600 g/t. 3, oxidized paraffin soap dosage conditions test The test uses oxidized paraffin soap as a reinforcing auxiliary collector for fluorite and as a collector for hydroxysilicon vermiculite. Other conditions are the same as in Figure 1. The test results are shown in Figure 4. Oxide paraffin soap dosage / (gt - 1 ) Figure 4 Test results of oxidized paraffin soap dosage conditions It can be seen from the curve of Fig. 4 that the use of oleic acid as a collector enhances the recovery of hydroxyapatite with oxidized paraffin soap. The increase in the amount of the concentrate on the recovery rate and grade of the concentrate is obvious. The dosage is 1000 g/t. 4, MZ auxiliary collector dosage test MZ auxiliary collectors play a considerable role in the recovery of concentrates and the improvement of grades. Other conditions are the same as in Figure 1. The test results are shown in Figure 5. MZ dosage / (gt - 1 ) Figure 5 MZ dosage condition test results It can be seen from the graph of Fig. 5 that the increase of the amount of the auxiliary collector is quite obvious for the improvement of the concentrate grade, but considering the recovery rate of the concentrate, it is preferable to select the MZ dosage of 260 g/t. 5. Test of fine grinding condition of coarse concentrate A large number of test results show that the selection of coarse concentrates is not only the selection of too many times, but also the concentrate grade can not be effectively improved, so consider the selected test process for regrind the coarse concentrate. The test procedure and dosage of the agent are shown in Figure 6, and the test results are shown in Figure 7. Refining fineness of coarse concentrate (-300 mesh content%) Figure 7 Test results of regrind condition of coarse concentrate It can be seen from the curve of Fig. 7 that with the regrind of the coarse concentrate, the concentrate grade changes significantly, and the recovery rate also increases with the increase of the regrind fineness. However, considering the actual situation of on-site production, the appropriate regrind fineness is selected to be -300 mesh and 94%. (3) Closed circuit test The flotation closed-circuit test is to simulate the continuous dynamic production process in the field by using the laboratory static unit flotation test under the premise of the optimal process parameters determined by the flotation condition test, so as to investigate the distribution of the middle ore and the accumulation of the drug. And the final selection criteria that may be obtained. The process flow is shown in Figure 8, and the experimental results are shown in Table 2. Table 2 Flotation closed circuit test results product name Yield(%) Be grade (%) Be recovery rate (%) Concentrate 4.55 3.07 81.6 Tailings 95.45 0.033 18.4 Raw ore 100 0.171 100 Third, the conclusion (1) A mine in Xinjiang is a difficult-to-select ore with fine-grained inlays. Metal ore minerals, beryllium hydroxyalkyl silica stone; gangue minerals are quartz, sodium feldspar, potassium feldspar, sericite, chlorite, and a small amount of fluorite minerals limonite. (2) It can be seen from the test results that the flotation scheme determined according to the results of the mineralogical research of the test process can obtain better test indicators. The process is mature and feasible, and the production site is easy to implement, which can be used as the design basis for the construction of the plant. Ma Yongji Hui Laishan (Xi'an Tianzhou Mining Technology Development Co., Ltd.) references: 1, experimental research officer Henan slope niobium-tantalum ore semi-industrial materials Beijing colored homes, Shaanxi Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, 1966 2, Xinjiang Coco Tuohai No.3 pulse lithium sulphate hand-selected tailings process research Beijing Nonferrous Academy 1963 3. The fourth phase of foreign metal ore beneficiation, beryl and mud iron ore dressing 4. Concentration Handbook. Volume 8. Third Volume Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press 1990.12
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Experimental study on the selectivity of hydroxyapatite