The danger of heavy rain on open pit mines and mines

I. Heavy rain damage to open pit mines Heavy rain not only directly reduces the manhole and its nearby catchment area, but also forms the rainfall runoff in the stope. It is also the main source of groundwater for the manhole pit. Rainfall runoff can easily cause flooding accidents. Groundwater is a source of perennial mine water. The gushing water in the open pit mine brings the following major hazards to the mine. 1. Destroy the stability of the stop slope and waste rock yard. Water pressure is a major factor in the sliding of the slope. At the same time, the water reduces the physical and mechanical properties such as the friction angle and cohesion of the rock mass, thus weakening the shear strength of the slope rock mass. A large area of ​​landslide may cut off the transportation line within the stope and bury the work area, interrupting production and causing major safety accidents. 2. Reduce the efficiency and service life of mining equipment. If the excavator is working on a working surface with water, the working time utilization factor can only reach 1/2-1/3 under normal conditions. For cars and locomotives, not only reduces efficiency, but also threatens driving safety. For clay and soft soil rock formations, the exposed surface of the groundwater causes the excavator to sag, the cat bucket, the car sill and the roadbed sinking. 3. Reduce the efficiency of piercing and blasting, and increase the cost of piercing. Water hole blasting requires the use of high-cost waterproof explosives, and the charging efficiency is low, the labor intensity is increased, the cost is high, the quality and quantity of blasting are low, and blind cannons are easily generated. 4. Reduce the speed of trenching, which brings great difficulties to the new level of preparation work. In particular, heavy rains often cause the stope equipment to be submerged and stop production. Second, heavy rain damage to underground mine water flooding will lead to underground mine flooding and water seepage accidents, the main reasons are as follows: 1. Wellhead location design is improper. 2. Hydrogeological conditions are unclear. 3. Ground flood control, water and drainage measures are not appropriate. 4. Indiscriminate mining, destroying the waterproof isolation pillar or flood control facilities. 5. Waterproof facilities are not perfect or other factors.

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