Tire Industry's First TESS Seminar Held in New Delhi, India

Recently, the first TESS conference of the tire industry was held in New Delhi, India. The conference focused on the tire industry technology, environment, safety and standards.

The two-day conference was organized by the Indian Automobile Tire Manufacturers Association. More than 350 guests attended the conference.

Tire Industry First TESS Conference Tire Industry First TESS Conference

At the meeting, Rajiv Pratap Rudy, India’s Joint Minister for Skills Development, delivered a keynote speech. He hopes that the Indian tire industry will become more competitive through strong technology advancement.

Sheela Thomas, the current secretary general of the Natural Rubber Producing Countries Association, highly appreciates the contribution of the tire industry in improving the quality of natural rubber in India.

She said that the rapid development of the tire industry has helped to stimulate the production efficiency of rubber and other raw materials.

Sanjay Mitra, secretary of India’s road traffic and highways and shipping ministry, stated that all stakeholders should work together to find a way to improve road safety in India.

In addition, 20 international experts from various countries made keynote speeches on topics such as tire regulatory framework, standards implementation, and environmental protection.

The discussion on the second day of the conference focused on road safety. A number of experts from Indian Institute of Technology and leading research institutions in India attended the meeting and discussed related issues.

During the conference, the European Tire and Rubber Manufacturers Association, the European Tire and Rim Technical Organization, and the Japanese Automobile Tire Manufacturers Association delegation respectively exchanged ideas with their Indian counterparts to share experiences and discuss the development direction of the industry.

TESS is the English acronym for Technology, Environment, Security, and Standards. With the rapid development of the global tire industry, these aspects have become issues that tire companies have to take seriously.

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