1. Uranium ore mixed acid ripening heap leaching process The ore is crushed to <8mm, mixed with a thicker (>50%) acidic leaching agent, first placed at room temperature for a period of time to allow the leaching agent to penetrate into the ore and fully contact with the mineral; The state of the pores inside the ore and the state of mineral embedding may be determined experimentally in advance. The required volume of the acidic leaching agent is equivalent to the residual saturation Sn of the ore pile. Too much or too little is not conducive to the acid ripening process and should be strictly controlled. After the acid temperature ore placed at room temperature, the temperature is aged for 2 to 3 hours, and the temperature is generally controlled at about 90 °C to accelerate the reaction between the solution and the mineral. When the ore which is to be aged at a high temperature is cooled to a normal temperature, it can be piled up on the previously laid bottom mat. The cloth liquid is leached, and it is usually leached with very thin acidic water (generally high iron ). Second, the preconditions for acidification and ripening heap leaching 1 The minerals in the ore must be fully dissociated, and more than 90% of the minerals can come into contact with the leaching solution. 2 The ore has a fine particle size and should generally be less than 8 mm; if the ore particle size is too coarse, it is not suitable to use acid ripening heap leaching. 3 The ore contains low mud, and the ore after crushing has better permeability. 4 The lower the water content of the ore, the better, generally should be less than 3%, such as high water content, should be dehydrated before mixing acid. Third, the advantages and problems of acidification and ripening heap leaching The leaching rate of acid ripening heap leaching is high, and the leaching rate of stirring leaching can be approached. The recovery rate of uranium can even exceed the recovery rate of stirring leaching; the period of acid ripening heap leaching is short, which is 50% shorter than the conventional heap leaching period~ 80%; per unit time, large capacity per unit area of the yard, the company's capital turnover is quick, small yard footprint, less investment in infrastructure yard. The problem of acid ripening is acid mist caused by concentrated acid, especially at high temperature, sulfuric acid may partially decompose, and the sulfur oxides produced have a great influence on the environment, so the sealing performance of the equipment is required to be good; The equipment used for aging, material transportation, etc. is severely corroded, so the corrosion resistance of the equipment material is high, otherwise the service life of the equipment is short. Compared with conventional heap leaching, the energy consumption and material consumption of the acid-smelting heap leaching are high.
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Acid aging heap leaching of uranium ore