Entering the winter solstice, one of the twenty quarters A few cold days have come. (9 days counts a nine, a total of nine nine 81 days) I will not shoot in nine or two. Sanjiu, forty-nine ice, Wujiu and Liujiu look at the river along the river. Seven nine rivers open, eight nine swallows come, Jiujiu plus one nine cattle ran all over the place. Let’s take a look at the temperature in Xuzhou. The minimum temperature is minus two degrees, which is acceptable. So let us turn our attention to the cold Russian Siberia. The lowest temperature is minus 36 degrees! ! ! When you think about it, you are shuddering. It was on such a cold day, in the extremely cold regions of Russia, Xugong’s boutique equipment still performed strongly. XCMG's boutique equipment is strong in Russia's extremely cold regions XCMG equipment, which is specially designed for extreme cold weather, has been well received in the local area for its excellent performance of “leading technology, not destroyingâ€. Xugong, as the world's most complete and complete set of engineering machinery industry, is able to provide global customers with engineering-leading and superior-quality engineering machinery products, as well as mining machinery, hoisting machinery, excavating machinery, shovel machinery, and road maintenance. The complete set of engineering solutions in the nine major directions, including machinery, logistics and transportation heavy trucks, fully meet the diverse needs of customers. (This article comes from Xugong Shovel) Potassium Phosphate,Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate,Dipotassium Hydrogen Phosphate,Potassium Phosphate Monobasic Shaanxi United Xingchuang International Co., Ltd. , https://www.lxcgj.com
Leading technology, not cold weather
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