Preventive measures for major accidents in open pit mines

The main accidents in open pit mines include: landslides on the stope, transport vehicle accidents, mechanical accidents, lifting injuries, electric shocks, water hazards, fires, falling from heights, blasting accidents, boiler and pressure vessel explosions, poisoning and suffocation. Accident prevention measures include: (1) Before the commencement of the open-face mining and stripping work, the operating procedures must be prepared and implemented after approval by the responsible person of the mining enterprise. In open-pit mining, the height, width and slope angle of the stripping face must be controlled as specified in the design. (2) The mining area must establish a ground waterproofing and drainage system to prevent surface water from leaking into the open pit; prevent flash floods from destroying production, transportation systems, and structures; and prevent mudslides from dumping in the quarry (waste) quarry tailings; The landslide and the slope slide down. (3) Execution of the Ground Fire Fire Protection Law of mining enterprises. (4) The production, storage, transportation, testing, destruction and blasting operations of the blasting materials of mining enterprises shall be carried out in strict accordance with the regulations of the People's Republic of China on the management of civil explosives and the provisions of the blasting safety regulations. (5) The design, installation, acceptance, operation, maintenance and other work of the mine power system must be carried out in accordance with relevant state regulations. (6) open pit mine railway, motor transport must be managed in accordance with relevant state regulations. (7) Mine mining, loading equipment , boilers and pressure vessels, lifting equipment, etc. are used and managed according to the operating procedures of the equipment. (8) Regularly carry out various indicators on the environment of the mine, and promptly find problems and deal with them in time.

Dioctyl Phthalate

It is a main Plasticizer used mostly in plastic processing and has excellent comprehensive properties.

It is widely used in the processing of polyvinyl chloride, vinyl chloride copolymer and cellulose Resin, and in the manufacture of thin films, artificial leather, wire and cable sheets, plates, mouldings, plasticizers, etc.

This product can also be used as a softener for synthetic rubber such as NBR. It can improve the resilience of products, reduce the compression permanent deformation, and has no effect on vulcanization of rubber.

80%~90% of DOP is used in the PVC industry. Others are used in rubber, recycled plastics, lubricants, adhesives, coatings, macromolecule additives, softeners for printing ink and capacitor oils. They can also be used in polyvinyl acetate, polyvinylidene chloride and so on.

Dioctyl Phthalate,Electrical Grade Dop,Food Grade Dop,Industrial Grade Dop