FlowSight Microscopic Imaging Flow Cytometer Advent

According to reports, the United States Amnis recently introduced a FlowSight micro imaging flow cytometer, which combines the functions of flow cytometry detection and fluorescence microscopy imaging, and integrates powerful software, can be applied to almost all cell analysis field.

FlowSight microscopic imaging flow cytometry not only can obtain a large number of cell population analysis data, but also can see the cell image in real time, and the analysis results of each step can be confirmed by the image. This micro imaging cytometry may revolutionize traditional cell analysis.

FlowSight is a small but powerful imaging cytometry. The system's revolutionary design increases signal-to-noise ratio and the sensitivity of fluorescence detection. The standard 12 detection channels can simultaneously obtain the bright field, dark field and up to 10 fluorescent images of each cell. Moreover, it is very powerful enough for the application needs of the core laboratory. At the same time, the system is compact and cost-effective, and it is also suitable for small laboratories. FlowSight can configure up to four laser tubes (405, 488, 561, 642 nm) and can also configure a 96-well AutoSampler.

FlowSight differs from other traditional flow cytometers in that it brings a real image of each cell. It can generate 12 pictures for each cell. The images obtained can identify fluorescence from the cytoplasm, cell membranes, and cell nuclei. You can click on each bin in each dot or histogram in the scatter plot to see the corresponding cell picture. Therefore, the user no longer has to rely on guessing to determine whether the gate is accurate. In the FlowSight, after setting the door, the user can confirm the accuracy of the door setting by observing the cell picture inside and outside the door.

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