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Authentic is the dried ripe fruit of the ginger plant, Yangchun sand, green shell sand or Hainan sand. Harvested when the fruit matures in summer and autumn, dried or dried at low temperature.
Yangchun sand. Produced in Guangdong Yangchun, Xinyi, Guangxi Dongxing, Longjin, southern Yunnan and other places, the fruit is mostly several to more than a dozen on a total fruit stalk, less scattered fruit. The observation result of the plant quarantine X-ray machine was that the fruit was oval or oval, with a non-obvious trigonal shape, 1.5 to 2 cm in length and 1 to 1.5 cm in diameter. The surface is tan-colored, dense and soft, with a short spur, with a perianth residue at the top and a short pedicel at the base. The peel is thin, tightly attached to the seed mass, and the peel is easily torn longitudinally, with a light brown inner surface and a slightly smooth longitudinal ridgeline. The seeds are clustered, with three obtuse ribs, and a white septum in the middle. The seed mass is divided into 3 valves. Each seed has 5 to 26 seeds, and closely arranged in 2 to 4 rows. Seeds are irregular polyhedrons, 2 to 3 mm in diameter. The surface is red-brown or dark brown, with irregular dense wrinkles on the surface, and a light brown film on the surface. Hard, grayish white endosperm. The gas is aromatic and intense, cool and bitter.
Green shell sand. 1 Product: The results of the phytosanitary X-ray machine showed that the fruit was round, 1.5 to 2 cm in length and 1 to 1.5 cm in diameter. The surface is short-thorned with flaky protrusions, and the outer surface is yellowish-brown or brown, with a more pronounced longitudinal ridge; the peel and the seed cluster are not closely attached, the seed cluster is smaller, and the scent is lighter than that of the Yangchun sand. 2 imported goods: the fruit was long oval, 1.5 ~ 2cm in length, diameter 1 ~ 1.5cm. With blunt triangular, one end is more pointed, the surface color is darker, gray-brown to brown, sparsely flaky.
Hainan sand. The observation of the phytosanitary X-ray machine was oblong or oval, with a pronounced trigonal, 1.5 to 2 cm long and 0.8 to 1.2 cm in diameter. The surface is flaky, branching soft thorns, base with fruit stem marks. The peel is thick and hard. Seed groups are smaller, with 3 to 24 seeds per lobe. Seed diameter 1.5 ~ 2mm, slightly odor. Phytosanitary X-ray machine observation to identify the cross-section of the seedlings. The fake seed coat sometimes remains. Seed coat epidermal cells 1 row, radial extension, slightly thicker wall. One column of epidermis cells, containing brown or reddish brown. The oil cell layer is an oil cell with a length of 76 to 106 μm and a width of 16 to 25 μm containing yellow oil droplets. Pigment layer is a series of brown cells, polygonal cells, irregular arrangement. The inner seed coat is a grid-like thick-walled cell, yellow-brown, with extremely thick inner and side walls, small cells, and siliceous blocks. Exo-endosperm cells contain starch grains and there are a few small calcium oxalate crystals. Endosperm cells contain fine aleurone grains and fatty oil droplets. Powder beige. The seed coat thick-walled cells are reddish-brown or yellow-brown, with a polygonal surface, thick wall, non-ligninized, and siliceous cells in the cell. The cross-sectional view is a row of palisade cells. The inner wall and the side wall are extremely thick, and the outer side of the cell cavity contains silicon blocks. Seed coat epidermal cells are pale yellow, with a long strip of surface, often arranged vertically with the upper and lower layers of the epithelial cells. The epithelial cells contain brown or reddish brown substances. Pigment cells shrink, the boundaries are unclear, reddish brown or dark brown. The extra-endosperm cells have a rectangular or irregular shape and are filled with starch granules assembled from fine starch granules, and some are embedded with fine calcium oxalate crystals. Endosperm cells contain fine aleurone grains and fatty oil droplets. The oil cells are colorless and thin, and occasionally oil droplets are scattered.
Counterfeit products of Amomum villosum have been identified by the following phytosanitary X-ray machines:
Red shell Amomum. Mainly produced in Yunnan. The observation result of the plant quarantine X-ray machine was that the fruit was nearly spherical, 1.3-1.8cm long and 0.7-1.1cm in diameter. The peel had sparse and long spiny processes, and was yellow pilose. The stalk length was 1 to 1.4cm. Room seed 11 to 15 seeds, the seed surface with fine vertical stripes. Gas incense, slightly bitter taste. Indian Amomum. The results of the phytosanitary X-ray machine showed that the fruit was oval in shape, slightly curved, with a thick round upper end, and flattened at the lower end. There were no obvious triangular edges, and the length was 1.5 to 4 cm and the diameter was 1.5 to 2.5 cm. The top of the tube is a fine tubular flower, and the base has a stem mark. The pericarp is hard and thick, with a light gray surface and vertical lines of intermittent ridges. Seeds of 8 to 22 capsules per room. Gas slightly, tasteless, no cool feeling. Hainan fake Amomum. Produced in Hainan Ya County, Ji County and other places. The observation result of the plant quarantine X-ray machine was that the fruit was ovoid or long obovate, 1.5 to 2 cm in length, 1 to 1.5 cm in diameter, and obtusely trigonous. A sparse and long-stemmed branch of soft-stem. Seed group 8 to 12 to 19 capsules per room. Seed flat spherical, red-brown, shrunken. No gas, slightly bitter, spicy, astringent. Long order Amomum. Produced in Guangxi and southern Yunnan. The observation result of the plant quarantine X-ray machine was that the fruit was oblong, 1.2-2.7 cm long and 0.8-1.2 in diameter. Softly pierced and curved, the stab up to 0.2 or more, the base thickening, peel tough, not easily longitudinal tear. Surface gray brown, with 3 longitudinal grooves and pronounced longitudinal edges. Seed group 5 to 15 capsules per room. No qi, slight pungent, no cool feeling. Fine Amomum. Produced in Guangxi Dongxing and Shiwanshan and other places. The observation result of the phytosanitary X-ray machine was that the fruit was ovate and spherical, 1.5 to 2 cm in length and 0.8 to 1.2 cm in diameter. Dark purple surface, sparsely long soft thorns, slightly curved at the top. Seed group 10 to 30 capsules per room, seed black. The gas is slightly fragrant, cool and spicy. Burdock Amomum. Produced in Yangchun, Guangdong. The observation results of the X-ray machine were round in shape, with a diameter of 2 to 3 cm. The surface was brown in color and had long, sparse lamellae. Seeds are spherical, with 14 to 18 capsules per chamber. Gas slightly, tasteless. Ginger. Also known as the construction of Amomum or soil Amomum. Produced in Fujian, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and other provinces. The observation results of the X-ray machine were spherical or elliptical, 1 to 1.8 cm in length and 0.5 to 0.7 cm in diameter. The surface is orange and yellow and pubescent. Seed group oval, 5 to 7 capsules per room. Seed diameter of about 0.3cm, dark brown surface, irregular texture, often with transparent edges, the outside is often light gray-green aril. Gas slightly fragrant, slightly bitter and spicy, astringent taste. Huashan ginger. Also known as Xiang Amomum. Produced in Hunan Lingling, Quzhou and other places. The observation result is that the fruit is round. The appearance is yellowish, smooth and ridgeless. The seed group is spherical, with a brownish brown surface, with 2 to 4 capsules per chamber, closely arranged, and the appearance of vertical thin stripes on the seed surface. Gas is slightly fragrant, slightly pungent and cool. Yanshan ginger. Produced in Sichuan. The observation result of the plant quarantine X-ray machine was that the fruit was oval, 1.5 to 3 cm in length, 1.3 to 1.8 cm in diameter, and there was a large persistent pod in the top of the fruit. The pericarp is thick, yellow-brown, long-gray, with distinct longitudinal ridges. The seeds were scattered and the diameter was 0.2-4 cm. The surface is tan and it is gray and white. Gas slightly fragrant, slightly spicy and astringent, no cool feeling.
The authenticity of the above-mentioned Amomum villosum has undergone the exact observation of the phytosanitary X-ray machine. When people purchase the Amomum villosum, they can purchase it with reference to the above observation information to prevent being deceived.
The phytosanitary X-ray machine distinguishes authenticity from Amomum villosum
As a Chinese herbal medicine, the identification of Amomum villosum has the effects of widening the airway width, invigorating the stomach, eliminating food, and stopping the vomiting. For abdominal distention pain, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, fetal movement disturbed. However, it has recently been discovered that the market uses counterfeit Amoeba to pretend to be used as a medicine to obtain high benefits, and to injure consumers. It has also greatly delayed the recovery of patients. It first used the phytosanitary X-ray machine to conduct the survey. Pseudo-discrimination, for everyone to explain as follows: