Ground Source Heat Pump Technology Development and Its Advantages

Ground source heat pump is actually a very old technology, which was applied in the 1940s. It is only the development of related technologies in the past five years, making it rapidly commercialized. The name of the ground-source heat pump first appeared in a patent document in Switzerland in 1912. The first climax of the use of ground-source heat pumps appeared in Europe in the 1950s. During this period, Ingersoll and Plass put forward the theory of heat source for underground buried heat exchangers based on the concept of Kelvin line source. However, due to low energy prices and high system cost, Ingersoll and Plass were not widely used. In the 1970s, the oil crisis focused attention on energy conservation and efficient use of energy, culminating in the development of ground-source heat pumps. At this time, the underground pipe was changed from an early one to a plastic pipe. During this period, many ground-level heat pumps were built in Europe, but they are mainly used for heating in winter. Since the early 1980s, the United States and Canada have carried out research on the ground-source heat pump system for heating and cooling. Quite a few reports on the heat transfer process and models of different types of underground heat exchangers for ground-source heat pumps have been carried out. Some of the projects are under operation Summary and performance comparison.
Both DOE and EPA have confirmed that GSHP is the most efficient and environmentally friendly hot water, heating and cooling system available today. On the one hand, it uses the relatively stable temperature of underground soil or rock to enable HVAC systems to operate efficiently throughout the year and save 20-50% of electricity bills for GSHP users.
From the results of some literatures, it can be seen that the efficiency ratios of multi-zone headspace system, single-zone headwind system, cold-water system and multi-district ground source heat pump system are respectively 1.54kw / ton, 1.40kw / tom, 1.23kw / ton And 0.88kw / ton, kw / ton that kilowatt power consumption / tonne cooling capacity. Can be seen, compared with the traditional air-conditioning, ground source heat pump system, the best efficiency.
On the other hand, buildings that use ground source heat pump systems can reduce maintenance costs under the same conditions. Ground-source heat pumps are very durable and have very few mechanical moving parts. All parts are either buried underground or installed indoors, avoiding the harsh outdoor conditions. The underground part is guaranteed for 50 years and the aerial part for 30 years. Therefore, ground-source heat pump is maintenance-free air conditioning, saving maintenance costs, enabling users to invest about three years to recover. Investigations into air-conditioning system maintenance costs were carried out in two places, Lincoln City and Nebraska, and 20 schools. The 20 schools have adopted four different cooling modes: ground-source heat pump system (GHP), air cooler with hot water boiler (ACC / GHWB), water cooler with hot water boiler (WCC / GHWB ), Water cooler with steam boiler (WCC / GSB). .
In Atlanta, the annual cost of using an air-cooled heat pump system for each household is $ 826, the cost of a regular air-conditioning system is $ 686, and the cost of a ground-source heat pump system is $ 397. Can be seen that the cost of operating the ground source heat pump system relative to other air conditioning system is quite low.
More importantly, the refrigerant used in ground-source heat pump systems is injected into the plant and completely sealed without any leakage during use, eliminating the need for refrigerant to be replenished by the user at all times, thereby reducing the damage to the ozone layer. The system can be used on different structures, residential buildings of different sizes, can be installed in the new construction, can also be used for the transformation of the old building, its design flexibility makes it a very attractive air-conditioning options. Ground source heat pumps have particular advantages in dehumidification and are therefore well suited to the hot and humid summer conditions. If air conditioners are added to the air distribution unit, the ground source heat pump will be more prominent at this point. Therefore, To achieve indoor air quality standards, ground source heat pump system is also a very good choice.
Ground source heat pump is just above the advantages of government offices, apartments and restaurants and so on. According to a user survey conducted by Civil America's electricity company in the state of Oklahoma in the Red River valley: 99% of users of ground-source heat pump air-conditioners beat their cooling capacity by more than 8 points in the summer to score 1 to 10 points, 73% of users hit the full score of 10 points.

Trekking Poles

A trekking pole is an assistive device used for outdoor sports such as hiking below the snow line.
According to research, the use of trekking poles during walking provides a number of benefits
during exercise, such as
Reducing pressure on the knee joint by 22%, providing adequate protection to the knee.
Improves walking stability, maintains balance and prevents sports injuries.
Increasing the range and frequency of body movements and enhancing walking speed.
evenly exercising muscles throughout the body and protecting the lower back and spine.
Reduces physical exertion by 30%.
Can be used as a support for rain or sun shelters.
Can be used for self-defence when encountering wild animals, etc.

Suitable scenarios
1. Outdoor hiking and trekking
Choose a three- or four-section trekking pole with a straight handle and aluminium or carbon fibre poles.
2. Flat/field walking
You can choose professional walking poles with sloping handles.
The walking poles have different wrist straps from ordinary hiking poles, with full palm straps that can
be used to match the swing angle of the arm.
The three-section carbon fibre poles are easy to carry and are more popular.
3. Recreational hiking/everyday use
Two-, three- and four-section poles are available, depending on the need for portability. You can choose
from aluminium, carbon fibre or wooden poles.

We mainly offer trekking poles for outdoor use, for example in the forest or on small hills. You can rely on
our quality and we are always available for services for your inquiries.

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