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Most people will test drive before buying a car. What should we pay attention to during test drive? Can we choose the right car?
Sitting and vision The comfort of the seat and view is very important, because if the seat adjustment is not good will affect the spirit of driving, bad vision will affect the safety of driving.
When the steering wheel controls the test drive, it needs to feel the control of the steering wheel, such as the severity, pointing to tightness, and the intensity of driving the steering wheel in place.
Start Accelerate Test your starting power according to your driving habits. Excessive horsepower or insufficient power may affect the driving experience.
Brake brake is harder than the brake pedal is more sensitive to the first paragraph, is the latter part of the soft brake force. Usually we test the softness and hardness of the brakes in two situations: First, in the congested road, stop and go, the brakes can be stopped very gently; the second is to find empty places, in the case of driving to 60km/h Brake quickly to see if the brakes can stand still.
Don't turn on the sound while driving noise test drive, so you can judge whether there is noise or wind noise when driving.
Buy a car test drive attention to these things are not afraid to buy bad car