Addition of wheat using artificial climate box

We tested the "RTOP-260B Biological Artificial Climate Chamber" for the winter wheat addition test. The results show that the application of an artificial climate box for the generation of acclimatization is an effective way to speed up the research on the genetics and breeding of winter wheat and to achieve one year and more generations. The trial results will now be summarized below.
I. Artificial Climate Box Model and Experimental Material Test Artificial climate box is the “RTOP-260B Biological Artificial Climate Test Chamber” produced by Zhejiang Top Instrument. Main technical parameters: temperature -10°C; maximum light ≥50000LX; relative humidity 60-80 %; wind speed 0.1-1.0m/S.
Test materials: The FZ generation and wheat flour F: generation materials of the wheat hybrid combination 79104 were wintery. Due to the late start of the experiment, the seed vernalization time was insufficient (only 13 days, temperature 3 to 5°C). The materials were sown in 35 pots and placed on the artificial climate box on July 26th.
2. The regulation of temperature, light, humidity and wind conditions during the addition period In addition to the early stages, due to the fact that the seed vernalization treatment time is not enough, the temperature adjustment is not enough and the high temperature at the end stage promotes ripening and the temperature is higher, and it is completely in accordance with each stage of wheat development. The optimal conditions required are timely adjusted and controlled to fully meet the requirements of its growth and development. (Table 1)

The regulation of temperature, light, humidity, and wind conditions during the addition of Table 1
In Table 1, the temperature, light, humidity, and wind conditions were gradually increased from low gradients to high gradients during the intergenerational period, ie, the temperature was gradually increased by 1 to 2°C every 5 to 6 days to gradually adapt the crops.
The soil moisture is artificially irrigated, and each pot is watered at about 700 ml each time. The number of watering depends on the soil moisture status. It is once in the early days, once every other day, and once in the later days.
According to the seedling condition, the fertilizer water was chased twice at the seedling stage and the adult stage.
When the outside temperature fell to 15°C at the end of September, the two sets of freezers in the climate chamber were closed from September 30 to save water and electricity. Only the fans and all the light groups were turned on, and the fans and fans were used to adjust the inside of the box. Temperature, depending on the temperature, sometimes open the door, half open or close. At the same time, raise the lighthouse, pick up the light from the seedlings about 65 cm, so that the temperature inside the box is maintained at 20 °C or more.
In order to promote the development of the additive material, when the plant enters the heading and flowering stage, that is, from the 1st of October, the light is added day and night (daytime full illumination, fluorescent lighting at night), changing from October 21 to day and night full illumination, using a fan and ajar The air temperature inside the door control box is about 31°C.
In the area of ​​use of the artificial climate box, the light in the middle is stronger and the light on both sides is weaker. In order to ensure the balanced development of the additive material, the inner pots need to be regularly adjusted to avoid errors caused by uneven light, temperature, and wind.
Third, the test results 1. Addition of wheat growth period observation Artificial climate box for wheat generation, the external conditions required for the various stages of development of wheat can be completely controlled by humans, so the plus generation of wheat growth robust and normal development (Table 2).

Table 2 Observation of the growth period of the newly-increased wheat
Table 2 shows the growth period of the newly-increased wheat. It can be seen from Table 2 that the whole growth process of the newly-increased wheat is faster, but the growth and development of the wheat before the jointing are slower and the difference between the plants is greater in the early period compared with the later period; the development is faster after the jointing. The reason is that due to insufficient seed treatment, if the seed treatment is good, the whole growth period can be shortened.
2. Performance of the anaerobic wheat In order to catch the winter wheat field, the additional generation material was harvested in two phases. The first batch was harvested on October 27th and collected on the 6th of the month. Some fast-growing materials are near normal maturation at the time of harvest. Others harvest early and the seeds do not mature well. The data of some wheat addition tests and the same material in the field are listed in Table 3 for comparison.

Table 3 Comparison of wheat addition test results and growth of the same material in the field
Table 3 Comparison of wheat addition test results and growth of the same material in the field From the test results, the number of spikes per panicle, spike length, and number of spikelets per panicle were similar to the field conditions. The main characters of wheat are well developed.
However, the seed setting rate of the additive wheat was 45-85% and the grain weight was 24-28 g, both of which were lower than normal. The low seed-setting rate may be due to the high temperature (31°C) in the late control of the box, resulting in a short flowering period, less pollen, and poor pollination. Thousand-grain weight is due to harvest earlier.
The greater the change in wheat traits was the plant height, which was an average of 47% lower than in the field.
According to the results of the observation of the fixed ear of adult wheat in the additive generation stage, continuous light has a significant effect on promoting the development of wheat heading and maturing (Table 4).

Table 4 Effect of Continuous Light on Accelerating Heading and Maturation of Wheat
Table 4 Effect of Continuous Light on Accelerating Heading and Maturation of Wheat The development of 12 single panicles was observed in the table. The average heading and initial flowering time was 4.4 days; the initial flowering time was 3 days; the final flowering time was 4.6 days. The average daily dry matter accumulation of grain filling reached 1.3 grams. These data indicate that the development after heading was significantly faster than in the field under continuous light conditions.
There was no disease during the entire addition period, and only slight locust damage and mild dryness occurred later.
After harvesting, the seeds were warmed and then sown in the field, and all of them emerged normally.
IV. DISCUSSION 1. The results of the trial of “RTOP-260B Biological Artificial Climate Test Chamber” are that the light, temperature, and air systems perform well, the control is sensitive and reliable, and the operation is simple. The automatic control of temperature, light, wind speed and humidity can create a suitable environmental condition for wheat growth and development. The use of an artificial climate box for winter wheat is effective, and it has the advantage of being different from other places and is not limited by space-time conditions.
2. The preliminary result of the winter wheat addition test using the artificial climate box is that it takes about 90 days to increase one generation. If the methods of seed germination and seedling vernalization introduced in Japan are used, it is estimated that the winter wheat needs only 80 days for each generation. Specifically, the immature seed germination method is to harvest wheat seeds that have been floured for 15 to 20 days after being pollinated at a temperature of 25 to 30° C., dried (45° C. for 2 hours), and then at a temperature of 11° C. Next, the seeds were treated with a 1% hydrogen peroxide solution in a petri dish for 30 hours. The germination was up to 90% for three days and 100% after four days. The seedling vernalization method started from the leaves of a seedling and started in a plant fluorescent bulb ( 40WNEC) Low temperature (8 °C constant temperature) continuous light, spring varieties only use 7 days, semi-winter varieties need to use 3 to 4 weeks, winter varieties need to use 5 to 7 weeks to pass vernalization. If combined with the above treatment, winter wheat can be cultivated on site for 3-4 generations a year, greatly accelerating the experimental research process of winter wheat.
3. The use of artificial climate chambers is small and costly. Therefore, we can only do some more sophisticated experiments or plant a small amount of precious breeding materials.

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