Analysis of the latest air compressor ergonomics

The change in the multivariate index is largely due to the loss of flow, so its calculation formula is also closely related to the loss. The basic form of the calculation formula is as follows: <1>nn-1=kk-1-hRT(1) where n variable index k adiabatic index h, T flow loss of each flow channel and inlet and outlet temperature difference R gas constant (831479/MW ), MW is the molecular weight of the gas in the process of calculating the flow loss, there is an unknown amount, it can be calculated by iterative method, generally assume the inlet radial velocity.

The establishment of the loss model calculates the cross-section parameters of the compressor in the case of the loss model, and finally the relationship between the pressure ratio, efficiency and flow rate can be obtained. The section defined here is as follows: Centrifugal Compressor Computational Section and Import and Export Velocity Triangle Impeller Loss Model (1) Blade Surface Friction Loss hsfhsf=2CfLBdHBW2 (2) Cf Friction Coefficient, Cf=0412/Re01925W=(2W2+W11+ W10)/4LB=8D2-D11+D102-b2+2LZ205(sin11+sin10)+sin2 where LZ impeller axial length dHB average hydraulic diameter dHB is calculated as dHB=D2sin2ZB+D2sin2b2+05D1rsin11+sin102ZB+D11+D110D11- D110sin11+sin102(2) Separation loss hbehbe=0001LBZBD2WmaxW225+W11W225W211(3) where Wmax=W11(1+AB|i|) AB angle of attack loss coefficient i angle of attack (3) wake mixing loss hmixhmix=tt-12C2(4 Where t = w + s, when W2 / W1max056, eS = 0, when W2 / W1max < 056, S = 1-18W2W1max, wherein the blade thickness trails accounted for the proportion of w = ZBd2D2sin2.

(4) Secondary flow loss hsechsec=0034(W211-W210)(5)(5) Air leakage loss hlhl=06C2rb22C2UC2rb2ZBD211-D210(D2-D11)(1+2/1)(6)(6)Rotary friction In the loss hdfhdf=KMU32D321+2132mmdnd2(7), m and md are mass flow rates under non-design conditions and design conditions, respectively. The value of KM is divided into two cases. When Re<3105, KM=267Re-05, when Re>3105, KM=00622Re-05, most of which Re>3105.

Static component loss model <3,4> (1) suction chamber flow loss hinlhinl = icC212 (8), for axial intake, ic%00501, for radial axial intake, ic%0102.

(2) No-leaf diffuser flow loss hdifhdif=vlC232(9) where vl=0147+(%-12)200046, the equivalent expansion angle % is calculated as follows: tan%2=2b2/D2D3/D2+1sin323.

(3) Flow loss of vaned diffuser hvdhvd=12007+00038Cmax, 3C5-13+00038C3C5-13C23(10)1+441-W2W111-D3D2-1033 where Cmax, 3=C3(1+AC|i|) AC blade diffuser angle of attack loss (4) volute flow loss hvolhvol = volC242 (11) where vol: 0180223 prediction results through the above loss model and section aerodynamic parameter calculation formula, using MATLAB to write the relevant program to calculate the pressure ratio, The relationship between efficiency and flow. In this paper, the main parameters of the compressor used are: the inlet rim diameter is 196mm, the axial length is 874mm, the outlet blade width is 145mm, the impeller diameter is 280mm, the number of blades is 24, and the design flow rate is 24kg/s. The design speed is 24214r/min, and the pressure ratio under design conditions is 25. The calculation results are as follows: the pressure ratio-pressure curve under the adiabatic index, the pressure ratio-flow curve, the efficiency-flow curve under the adiabatic index Efficiency-flow curve under index

Conclusion From the above graph, it can be seen that the value calculated by the multivariate index is closer to the experimental value, which is superior to the value calculated by the adiabatic index in terms of smoothness and accuracy. This is because the variable index is used to simulate the flow. The process is closer to the result of the actual process. It is worth pointing out that the pressure of the latter is higher than that of the former, but the efficiency is lower than it. The author believes that this is because the flow loss is larger than that of the adiabatic index when calculating the multivariate index, resulting in entropy increase and partial heat energy. The form of conversion into pressure energy. In general, the results of the multivariate coefficient performance prediction method are less error, especially in the design conditions, which is in good agreement with the experimental values. This provides a new idea for the performance prediction method of centrifugal compressors. Learn from the meaning.

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